> The Clock(s) and The Enigmatic Hour(s) of an Architectural Drawing: DrawingDials and the Drawer as the Hermetic Time-Reader
film by Bahar Avanoğlu, Canan Işık, İpek Avanoğlu and Manuel J. Perez III & DrawingConstructions 2021 Team (Hazar Abdik, Ayhan Arifağaoğlu, Sena Arslan, Deniz Cem Aydın, Aliaa Hatem Esmat Bahi, Öykü Duru Bilgen, Beyda Çağlar, Abdelrahman Daghestani, Rauf Fuat Ekinci, Ayesha Khanani, Yaşar Emir Özkebabcı, Buket Pamuk, Eray Pekçetin, Rand Wadi. )
@ Archishorts
April 2022
Archishorts 2022 program > > > > > > click
To watch the movie > > > > > > click
This is an experimental architectural drawing project based on esoteric practices, specifically exploring of the spatio-temporal, embodied practice of divination on a drawing through time-telling devices. The drawing transforms into a ritualistic and poetic act whereby ‘the drawer’ unfolds as the integral ‘hermetic reader’ within the drawing. Meanwhile, “The Enigmatic Hours of a Drawing” are crystallized within the projective and embodied constructions of the act of drawing, conceiving at the same time manifold peculiar non-instruments of drawing.

DrawingConstructions is an elective course instructed by Bahar Avanoğlu @Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul Bilgi University since 2017. The Clock(s) and The Enigmatic Hour(s) of An Architectural Drawing, The Drawer as the Hermetic Time-Reader/Teller is conducted in the fall semester 2021-2022.
DrawingConstructions Participants: Hazar Abdik, Ayhan Arifağaoğlu, Sena Arslan, Deniz Cem Aydın, Aliaa Hatem Esmat Bahi, Öykü Duru Bilgen, Beyda Çağlar, Abdelrahman Daghestani, Rauf Fuat Ekinci, Ayesha Khanani, Yaşar Emir Özkebabcı, Buket Pamuk, Eray Pekçetin, Rand Wadi.
Special Thanks to our Guest Lecturers: Adrianos Efthymiadis, Anne Romme, Fırat Erdim, İpek Avanoğlu, and Lyle Massey.
The video is directed by Bahar Avanoğlu, Canan Işık, Ipek Avanoğlu and Manuel J. Perez III.
All videos are recorded via Zoom during the studio hours. Still images are taken by the authors of the works or as screenshots during the studio hours by B. Avanoğlu.
1. The audio is recorded via Zoom during the workshop led by Ipek Avanoglu (January 2022) and consists of the DrawingConstructions participants’ readings and drawing performance.
2. The audio is recorded during ‘Polyphonic Translation’ sessions and consists of the sounds of Manuel J. Perez III’s performance.