İpek Avanoğlu is an architect and researcher. Her interest and research focus on the inappropriates of the spatial scenarios, and their critical articulation through drawing practices. She works as a research- and teaching assistant at the Department of Architecture at Istanbul Technical University. She received her BArch and MSci. degree in Architectural Design from Istanbul Technical University, and MArch II degree from The Cooper Union. She continues her PhD studies at Istanbul Technical University, and got accepted as Erasmus+ student to KU Leuven for 2021-2022 Spring term.

Bahar Avanoğlu is an architect-researcher with an interest in architectural drawing in relation to esoteric practices, engaging with artistic research methods. She has recently received her PhD from Istanbul Technical University (ITU) with her thesis “Un-Claiming the Experience of the Ends of the Projected Image: The Loss and the Survivals of Architectural Drawing in the Shadow of Projection” (2024). She holds a Bachelor of Architecture and Master of Science from ITU, and a post-professional Master of Architecture from the Cooper Union.  She teaches design and drawing studios at Istanbul Bilgi University and MEF University. She initiated DrawingConstructions as an experimental project in 2017.

Both her own artistic research works and collective drawing projects  have been exhibited internationally, including Versus Art Project (2024), WAAC (Washington Alexandria Architecture Center, 2023), Centre de Design de l’UQUAM (2021), Nordic Embassies Berlin (2021). Her articles have been published internationally including DAIDALOS Magazine (2023), DrawingMatter (2023) and e-skop (2018-2023). She is the editor of the book Şiir/Mimarlık: Binanın İhlali (İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2021). She is the co-organizer of the exhibition Unbuildings (Versus Art Project, 2024).