an elective course at the Faculty of Architecture at Istanbul Bilgi University
initiated and instructed by Bahar Avanoğlu since 2017.
DrawingConstructions deals with the hidden drawing drives inherent to the discipline of architecture and contemplates on the diverse semblances, these drives could take on. It intends to discover various possible correspondences between these semblances. These discoveries could be regarded as a tantamount to the search for the non-representational and lead us to the vast esoteric realm of architecture, which is inherently related with the act of drawing. In order to free itself from the multifold traps of representation, DrawingConstructions poses the question of ‘other resurrections’ and foremostly questions the states of drawing as ‘construction’.
The five quests, DrawingConstructions has dealt with so far, are as follows:
1* “The Question of Tarot Cards and Architecture” (Spring, 2017)
2* “The Autobiographical Ars Combinatoria” (Spring 2018)
3* “DissectionDrawings & DrawingDissections” (Fall 2018)
4* “Other Resurrections Between Dissection and Anamorphic Disguise” (Fall 2019)
5* “Constructing The Table between Disguise and Dissection, A Polyphonic Drawing Experiment” (Fall 2020)
6* “The Clock(s) of a Drawing and the Hermetic Time-Reader/Teller: Dreaming of DrawingDials and the Enigmatic Hour(s) of A Drawing” (Fall 2021)
>>> @drawingconstructions
Constructing The Table between Dissection and Anamorphic Disguise: A Polyphonic Drawing Experiment, DrawingConstructions
“Cine-Poetic Constructions”, Constructing The Table, Workshop by Ipek Avanoglu, DrawingConstructions