> Other Resurrections
Between Dissection and the Anamorphic Disguise
Mid-Discussion of DrawingConstructions, elective course by Bahar Avanoğlu
@ Istanbul Bilgi University
November 2019

“One would almost claim that the head, lying motionless
just a few moments ago, was re-animated with life.”
(Roussel, Locus Solus)
“... Like perspectives which, rightly gaz’d upon,
Show nothing but confusion, - ey’d awry, distinguish form!”
(Shakespeare, Richard II, as quoted by: Balrusaitis in Anamorphic Art)
just a few moments ago, was re-animated with life.”
(Roussel, Locus Solus)
“... Like perspectives which, rightly gaz’d upon,
Show nothing but confusion, - ey’d awry, distinguish form!”
(Shakespeare, Richard II, as quoted by: Balrusaitis in Anamorphic Art)
This work would like to contemplate and would also like to urge one to contemplate on the question of resurrection. Fundamentally, it is interested in its relation to architecture and drawing. This contemplation derives from the art of memory, architecture as text and narrative, word-image alchemy, trace-line, the representational, the non-representational, the search for universal languages, analogical drawing, architecture in neoplatonic thought, cabinets of curiosities, palimpsest, underground, dream-recordings, projections, ruins, alphabets, and esoteric readings of architectural drawing.
The first step is set between dissection and anamorphic disguise.
special thanks to: Şebnem Yalınay Çinici, Şebnem Yıldız, Bilge Bal, Hilal Menlioğlu