& Instruments of Dissections, Their Atlas AutomataDrawingConstructions . ARCH321] @ SantralIstanbul, Istanbul Bilgi University, January 2019]
Instr. & Course Coordinator Bahar Avanoglu
* ‘DrawingConstructions’
DrawingConstructionsis concerned with what the ‘non-representational’ could and would be, what kind of a construction/non-construction it is, and how, why it even exists, would-could exist. DrawingConstructionsis a project of drawing, not restricted within the acts of drawing per se, but extends into ‘other’ territories of drawing beyond the ‘two-dimensional’ realm. Upon these questions it aims to conduct speculative discussions on the nature of architectural ‘drawing’.
* ‘Non-Representational’
The investigations on the ‘non-representational’ are opened through the questions of and speculations on analogia, neoplatonic epistemology, representation, vestigium-imago (footprint-image), transcription-translation conflict, form-event, alphabet and are expanded into the questions of authorship, the literary automat, the non-instrumental instrument and its atlas. The early tarot cards as an intellectual and encyclopedic practice of neoplatonism and Ars Combinatoria by Ramon Llull are some of the keystones of the discussions.
* ‘DissectionDrawings’ into ‘DrawingDissections’
In the Fall Semester 2018, the investigation on the ‘non-representative’ was conducted through the act of ‘dissecting’ in relation to/as opposed to orthographic section. The Wound Man, The Zodiac Man and early dissection drawings being the keystones of the examination; the speculation on architectural dissection and its relationship with the space were conducted through selected fragments of miniature drawings, which are considered as non-representative spatial drawings in the framework of the course. As dissection becomes the act rather the mere content, the title ‘Dissection Drawings’ transforms into ‘Drawing Dissections’.
The question of Dissection Drawings|Drawing Dissections (Fall 2018) is the third stage of this elective course, the first two being ‘The Question of Tarot Cards’(Spring 2017) and ‘The Question of the Autobiographic Ars Combinatoria’(Spring 2018).

11 January 2018, Friday, @ SantralIstanbul, Final Discussions with Bilge Bal, Gürbey Hiz, Emre Bağdatoğlu
by Yaren Boğa
by Tuluğ Yıldız
by Rümeysa Gündoğdu
by E. Nil Uçar
by Burcu Varilci
by Aylin Güler
by Bengisu Yüksel
by Ebru Şevli
by Rümeysa Merve Levent
by Toqqa Habbob
by Burcu Özgen
by Selcen Fidan
by Nur Ecem Öz
by Defne Gündoğdu
by Eda Nilay Özçalışan
by Foad Sarsangi
by Can Bartu Çelik
by Feyza Nur Karaca